Oto w skróconej wersji informacje podane przez Jeffa ( spokrewnionego także z rodziną Strawińskich, gdyż jego prababcia była Natalia Strawińska).
"W magazynie
"Togetherness" ja przeczytałem że poszukujesz swoich
przodków z rodziny Strawiński. Oni, jak zrozumiałem żyli w USA.
Moja rodzina pochodzi od Valentinasa Stravinskasa ( Walentego Strawińskiego).
Jestem Litwinem. Naszą rodzinę wysłali z Litwy 16 czerwca 1941
roku do Ałtajskiego Kraju, Sononeszeńskij Rejon.
Nasza rodzina:
Stravinskas Genovich ( Aleksander Strawiński syn Eugeniusza) ur. w
1908 r w Piotrogradzie ( St. Petersburg). JJego rodzice mieszkali w
mieście Kaunas ( Kowno). On umarł w mieście Barnauł 30 sierpnia
1946 roku na chorobę serca.
Matka- Ludmiła
Stravinskiene ( Ludmiła Strawińska) Iwanowna z domu Tushinauskiene
( Tuszyńska), rok ur. 1915, zmarła w 1953 roku w mieście Gorno
Ałtajskoje w Kraju Ałtajskim na nowotwór.
Regimantas Stravinskas ur. 1936, w późniejszym czasie zamieszkał w
Primorskim Kraju, miasto Spiesk Dalnyj.
Na...sze ( Na...że)
Strawinskas Aleksandrowicz ur. w 1934 r., później zamieszkał na
Litwie, miasto Paneviezys ( Poniewież).
Danuta Strawinskaite
Aleksandrowna, ur. w 1939, później jako Krutowa, zamieszkała w
Czy byłby Pan
uprzejmy pomóc mi znaleźć tych Strawińskich o których pisałem.
To na pewno są potomkowie ojca. Ojciec miał siostrę i dużo braci,
nic nie wiemy o nich. Z góry dziękujemy za pomoc. Proszę mi pomóc."
Bliższe informacje tzn. adresy zamieszkania tych osób mogę podać zainteresowanym osobom, jednakże ze względu na ustawę o ochronie danych osobowych nie mogę ich upubliczniać.
Our friend from the USA, Jeff Kulesus, is looking for one of his relatives of his family in Lithuania. Therefore, I have an appeal, especially to our Lithuanian readers for help in finding these people or their descendants.
Here is an abbreviated version of information provided by Jeff (also related to the Stravinsky family, because his great grandmother was Natalia Stravinska).
for the Stravinsky family from Lithuania.
Our friend from the USA, Jeff Kulesus, is looking for one of his relatives of his family in Lithuania. Therefore, I have an appeal, especially to our Lithuanian readers for help in finding these people or their descendants.
Here is an abbreviated version of information provided by Jeff (also related to the Stravinsky family, because his great grandmother was Natalia Stravinska).
"In the magazine" Togetherness ",
I read that you are looking for your ancestors from the Stravinsky
family, they understand that they lived in the US My family comes
from Valentinas Stravinskas (Walenty
Stravinsky) I am Lithuanian We sent our family from Lithuania on June
16, 1941 to the Altai Krai , Sononeshensky
Stravinskas Genovich (Aleksandr
Stravinsky, son of Eugene) born on in 1908 in Piotrograd (St.
Petersburg). His parents lived in the city of Kaunas (Kaunas). He
died in the city of Barnaul on August 30, 1946 for heart
Mother-Ludmiła Stravinskiene (Ludmiła Strawińska) Ivanovna nee Tushinauskiene (Tuszyńska), born on 1915, died in 1953 in the city of Gorno Altaiskoie in Altai Krai for cancer.
Mother-Ludmiła Stravinskiene (Ludmiła Strawińska) Ivanovna nee Tushinauskiene (Tuszyńska), born on 1915, died in 1953 in the city of Gorno Altaiskoie in Altai Krai for cancer.
Valentinas Regimantas Stravinskas
born 1936, later lived in Primorski Kraj, the town of Spiesk
Na ... sze (Na ... że) Strawinskas Aleksandrowicz born on in 1934, later he settled in Lithuania, the city of Paneviezys (Panevėžys).
Danuta Strawinskaite Aleksandrovna, born on in 1939, later as Krutova, he lived in Vilnius.
Na ... sze (Na ... że) Strawinskas Aleksandrowicz born on in 1934, later he settled in Lithuania, the city of Paneviezys (Panevėžys).
Danuta Strawinskaite Aleksandrovna, born on in 1939, later as Krutova, he lived in Vilnius.
Would you be kind to help me find the
Stravinsky I wrote about. These are definitely descendants of my
father. My father had a sister and many brothers, we do not know
anything about them. Thank you in advance for your help. Please help
More information,
i.e. residential addresses of these people, I can give to interested
persons, however, due to the Act on the protection of personal data,
I can not make them public.
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